Our Ambassadors
Claudia Alen Amaro

Melroy Almeida
Melroy Almeida currently works at the Australian Access Federation (AAF) as their ORCID Technical Support Analyst. AAF is the consortium lead for the Australian ORCID Consortium and as part of his day to day work Melroy works with the Australian ORCID Consortium members on their ORCID implementations as well as their communication and engagement strategies. As part of his work with ORCID, Melroy occasionally gets questions about DOIs, metadata and discoverability. He aims to help research organisations and researchers understand the benefits of PIDs, and why they are needed within the scholarly research lifecycle.
Janet Anderson
Professor Janet Anderson (Ph.D. History of Mathematics, MSc Microwaves and Modern Optics, BSc Mathematics, BA French) is Professor of Digital Humanities in the School of Media in the College of Arts and Humanities and is a member of the Cultural Informatics Research Group (CIRG) at the University of Brighton. Professor Anderson was the E-ARK Co-ordinator, and contributed to the database archiving work in E-ARK, including OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP), data mining and Big Data. She co-led the University of Portsmouth FP7-KEEP project team, undertaking the primary research and then developing the conceptual models behind the TOTEM technical registry and the media knowledge-base. Her research interests include database archiving, data modelling, database management, data warehousing and emulation. She was Co PI for the JISC POCOS project on preserving complex digital objects such as 3D archaeological models, digital art and computer games. She is a member of the DPC Technology Watch Editorial Board, and was part of the PREMIS Environment Working Group. She is on the Technology Board of the UNESCO PERSIST project, and is a member of ICOMOS UK.
Alojz Androvič
Alojz Androvič (PhD in Cybernetics at Slovak Technical University) is senior consultant in SCSTI (Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information). Member of implementation team of National Information System for Supporting Research and Development in Slovakia. Shares 30 Years experience in libraries with automation, digitization and data management. Until 2017 active in National ISSN centre and in several European and national projects (EOD, EOD Culture, OpenAire, LTP cultural heritage, Digital Resources Deposit). Member of editorial board of ITlib magazine. Interested in promotion and adoption of results and achievements of FREYA and other projects in the EOSC framework
Paloma Marín Arraiza
Paloma Marín Arraiza holds a degree in Physics and a master’s degree in Information and Scientific Communication from the University of Granada (Spain) and is currently a PhD Candidate in Information Science at São Paulo State University (Brazil).
A present, she works at the TU Wien Bibliothek (Austria) as an Information Manager for Persistent Identifiers. She is the main contact person of ORCID Austria and is responsible for the activities of the consortium, as well as its communication and engagement strategies. Paloma is also involved in the establishment of a DOI service in Austria. She regularly participates in sessions to promote the use of PIDs and show why they are helpful for proper research data management.
African journal of political sciences
Elton Barker
Open University
Dror Berger

Dror Berger (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8512-9281) is the technological leader of the Israeli CRIS & ORCID consortia, comprising a nationwide project aimed to join all the universities in Israel under the same research information system and unified research repositories. Dror works both for the Inter-University computation center (IUCC) and Tel-Aviv University.
Launching his career at Tel-Aviv’s network of public libraries in 1996, he soon started working on national projects to assimilate advanced technologies in Academic libraries. He also worked at the national library of Israel for over 10 years, his most recent role there being the national library’s chief technology officer (CTO).
Luc Boruta
Luc Boruta (Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics) is the CEO of Thunken, an indie data science company that specializes in analyzing documents relating to science and innovation. In previous lives, he played whac-a-phoneme in a top-notch graduate school, and he worked on the development of intelligent personal assistants and knowledge navigators. His research interests include citation tracking, linked data, and linguistic diversity. Luc and his team develop Cobaltmetrics, a web-scale citation tracking tool that crawls the web to summarize the attention surrounding any document and reveal insightful links. Their API collates citations to all known versions of a document using an identifier graph that mixes PIDs and ordinary URLs.
Valerie Brasse
Valerie Brasse is Managing Partner at IS4RI (Information Systems for Research and Innovation), a company providing training and consulting on Information Systems and Project Management. Valerie has experience in leveraging data about research, innovation and education through appropriate Information Systems, and is certified as PMP (Project Management Professional).
She has been involved with EC funded projects since 1996, including the software implementation of MERIL (Research Infrastructures directory), and since 2013, is Executive for Projects in the euroCRIS Board. euroCRIS is a not-for-profit association dedicated to the development of research information systems and their interoperability, based on CERIF (Commen European Research Information Format).
Victoria Dominguez Del Angel
CNRS, ELIXIR and Institut Francais de Bioinformatique
George Duimovich
Carleton University
Suzanne Dumouchel
Suzanne Dumouchel has a PhD in French Literature and works at the TGIR Huma-Num (CNRS) as International Coordination Officer in charge of European Infrastructures. She is coordinator with Pierre Mounier of the Research Infrastructure OPERAS and part of the Coordination Office of DARIAH-EU in charge of external partnerships and networking with European Infrastructures, especially in the SSH.
Antonella Fresa
Stephen Grace
Stephen Grace leads activity to support London South Bank University’s open access and research data management policies. He has interests in scholarly communications, open research, and digital preservation. Stephen led the Unlocking Thesis Data project (https://doi.org/10.15123/PROJECT.15) which promoted the uptake of PhD persistent identifiers in the UK: DOIs for theses and their underlying data, and ORCID IDs for doctoral students.
Jord Hanus
Jord Hanus (1981) holds MA degrees in History and Economics from the universities of Antwerp, Ghent, Leiden, Paris & Oxford, and a PhD in History from the University of Antwerp (2010). At the latter university, since 2015 he heads the Research Affairs Office within the Department of Research Affairs & Innovation. The tasks of his unit include policy making on a range of topics such as ethics & integrity, open science, research data management, research evaluations, CRIS, and supporting the Research Board.
Brigitte Hausstein
Brigitte Hausstein graduated from Humboldt University Berlin, Germany (sociology, economics and psychology). Since 1992 she has been Research Associate at the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, and Head of the DOI registration agency of social and economic data (da|ra). Her key areas of study include data archiving, metadata, persistent identifiers for data, development of data citation.
Latest publications:
Krämer, Thomas, Claus-Peter Klas, and Brigitte Hausstein. 2018. "A data discovery index for the social sciences." Nature Scientific Data 2018 (5): 180064. doi: dx.doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2018.64.
Aryani, Amir, Marta Poblet, Kathryn Unsworth, Jingbo Wang, Ben Evans, Anusuriya Devaraju, Brigitte Hausstein, Claus-Peter Klas, Benjamin Zapilko, and Samuele Kaplun. 2018. "A research graph dataset for connecting research data repositories using RD-Switchboard." Scientific Data 5 1-9. doi: dx.doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2018.99.
Reyna Jenkyns
Reyna Jenkyns leads the Data Stewardship & Operations Support Team at Oceans Networks Canada, a major initiative of the University of Victoria that operates world-leading ocean observatories and data services. Her team is responsible for metadata, geospatial services, data ingestion, and expedition support. She has been extensively involved in interoperability collaborations and working groups within the broader ocean data community. She is currently a member of the CoreTrustSeal Board, the Research Data Canada Standards and Interoperability Committee, and the Deep Ocean Observing Strategy Task Team on Data.
Birger Jerlehag
Swedish National Data Service
Mohammed Kaabar
Mohammed Kaabar is currently a PhD student and researcher in Applied Mathematics at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, MY. He received both of his B.S and M.S in Mathematics from Washington State University (WSU), Pullman, WA, USA. He worked as an adjunct math faculty member at Moreno Valley College, CA, USA, and he also worked as a lab instructor and math tutor at the Math Learning Center (MLC) at Washington State University, WA, USA. He is the author of (A Friendly Introduction to Differential Equations) and (A First Course in Linear Algebra) Books. His research interests are fractional calculus, fractional differential equations, data analysis methods, social network analysis, and dynamical systems. He is a former editor for the American Mathematical Society (AMS) Graduate Student Blog. He a continuous supporter of open access educational resources. He is an editorial board member of the mathematics section at the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) which is a California State University, Long Beach program to provide high quality open access resources such as online courses, textbooks, collections, websites, and tutorials for both teachers and students to use in their classrooms. He is a current reviewer for zbMATH at the Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure GmbH which provides high quality reviews with abstract of math research papers using designated DOI's. He is very interested in supporting and contributing to FREYA project initiative to improve the access to the most efficient and reliable research data and resources in order to promote the open science research initiative in Europe.
Nicole Kearney
Nicole Kearney manages the Australian branch of the Biodiversity Heritage Library, the world’s largest online repository of biodiversity heritage and archival materials. The BHL Australia project is funded by the Atlas of Living Australia and hosted by Museums Victoria. Nicole works with libraries and publishers across Australia (and New Zealand) to digitize their biodiversity heritage literature and to make it freely accessible online. The vast majority of heritage literature lacks DOIs and thus sits outside the great linked network of scholarly research. Nicole has been endeavoring to change this. In 2016, she began a project to retrospectively assign DOIs to Australia’s legacy literature. She pioneered the use of DOIs in her home institution (Museums Victoria) and now provides support to other publishers wanting to do the same. Nicole is passionate about the importance of bringing historic literature into the DOI system and the value of PIDs in making online content more accessible, discoverable, linkable and trackable.
Rolf Krahl
Rolf Krahl is responsible for scientific data management at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB). HZB operates large scientific facilities, such as the BESSY II synchrotron light source and users from all over the world come to Berlin to use these facilities for their research. Rolf's task is to set up and manage a data repository for the preservation and long term archiving of scientific data collected at HZB's instruments. He has a background in mathematics. Before joining HZB, he worked in software development for scientific computing, mainly in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Mark Leggott
Mark Leggott is the Executive Director of Research Data Canada, a nationally funded organisation that facilitates the adoption of best practices in research data management. Mark is also the Manger for the Research Data Management Program at CANARIE, which provides funding for the development of software infrastructure for data management. Prior to this Mark was a senior administrator in academic libraries and creator of the open source Islandora project.
Leonardo Jose Mataruna-Dos-Santos
American University in the Emirates
Julio A. Martínez Morilla
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Eva Méndez
Eva Méndez holds a PhD in Library and Information Sciences (LIS) and is an expert in metadata. She is currently Deputy Vice President for Scientific Policy- Open Science at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and a member of the EU-OSPP (European Open Science Policy Platform) on behalf of YERUN (Young European Research Universities Network). In November 2017 she was named “Open Data Champion” by SPARC Europe. Eva has been an active member of several international research teams on various standards for the Web. She is a member of the Advisory Committee of the DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) and the Advisory Board of OpenAire, and is an active member of communities such as Metadata2020 and RDA. In 2005-06 she was awarded a Fulbright Research Scholarship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA). She has participated in research projects related to standardization, metadata, semantic web, open data, digital repositories and libraries, as well as the development of information policies in several countries. She is one of the first signatories of The Hague Declaration on Knowledge Discovery in the Digital Age. @evamen
Maria de Montserrat Rodriguez-Marquez
University of Surrey
Fiona Murphy
After completing a DPhil in English Literature, Fiona Murphy held a range of scholarly publishing roles with Oxford University Press, Bloomsbury Academic and Wiley. Now an independent publishing consultant advising institutions, learned societies and commercial publishing companies and Associate Fellow at the University of Reading, Fiona has written and presented widely on data publishing, open data and open science. Amongst other activities, she is an active member of a number of Research Data Alliance Working Groups, and on the Steering Committee for the Force11 Scholarly Commons Group, and is Secretary of the Board for the Dryad Data Repository.
Serhii Nazarovets
Serhii Nazarovets (http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5067-4498) is a Deputy Director for Research at the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine. Serhii completed his Ph.D. in Social Communication Science at Kharkiv State Academy of Culture. His research interests lie in the area of Scientometrics and Library Science. He has collaborated actively with researchers in several other disciplines, particularly Data Science and Education. Serhii is the Associate Editor DOAJ (www.doaj.org) and the Region Editor for E-LIS (Eprints in Library and Information Science). Serhii has worked in different scientific libraries of Ukraine for more than 10 years.
Suresh Pannerselvam
University of Florida
Irina Radchenko
Irina Radchenko is an Associate Professor at ITMO University, St. Petersburg. She is also a co-founder of ODI St. Petersburg and Chief Coordinator of Open Knowledge Russia. Her professional interests focus mainly on Open Data, Open Science, Data Science, and intelligent systems development. In 2013 she and Anna Sakoyan initiated a joint project on Data-Driven Journalism in Russia. Irina is currently supporting implementation of the University Linked Open Data platform at ITMO University (https://github.com/LODIFMO).
John Salter
John currently works at the University of Leeds developing the White Rose repositories, which run on the EPrints platform. He is engaged with the EPrints community and likes to share his knowledge of the software to help others.
Muriel E Swijghuisen Reigersberg
Dr. Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg (http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2337-7962, @MurielSR) is an applied ethnomusicologist, practice-researcher and a research management professional. At The Open University, UK she works as a Research Impact and Knowledge Exchange Senior Manager in the Research & Enterprise unit where she supports researchers of all Faculties in reaching their research and knowledge exchange goals.
Muriel is a responsible open knowledge and metrics enthusiast supporting the equitable and ethical sharing of knowledge of all kinds. In her spare time she maintains a modest academic profile in her field of ethnomusicology. Her work centres on Australian Indigenous Christian choral singing and the relationship between music, health and wellbeing. Other areas of research interest include research ethics and practice research approaches.
Clifford Tatum
SURF Market
Niklas Zimmer
Niklas Zimmer is the Manager of Digital Library Services at University of Cape Town (UCT) Libraries. He holds an MA(FA) and a BA(Hons) from UCT, as well as a BA in education from University of Cologne. Before his employment at UCT Libraries in 2015, Niklas worked as digitisation manager at the Centre for Popular Memory at UCT, as an art teacher heading the Visual Arts Department at the German International School in Cape Town, and as an archivist at the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany.
ORCiD: 0000-0001-8078-0403 | Academia.edu: NiklasZimmer | Twitter: NikasZimmer
Guo Xiaofeng
Guo Xiaofeng (Master in Software Engineering)works for Chinese DOI Registration and Service Center funded by ISTIC (Institute of Science and Technology Information of China) & Wanfang Data Co,. Ltd. She and her team engage in PID technology research, product design, development and operation based on DOI/Handle system from 2007, when Chinese DOI service was established and authorized by IDF (International DOI Foundation). She also has more than 20 years experiments of software development & engineering, data management & governance, information management, digital publishing, drafting of national or industrial standards.