Project outputs



On this page, you can find information about FREYA's outputs, including our PID services, project deliverables, publications, computational notebooks, training materials, webinars and events.

The DataCite Commons service can be used to visualize FREYA's outputs in a searchable interface. The site is based on the PID Graph technology developed in FREYA and provides visualisations of our results as well as additional information about content views and downloads of our outputs. You can view the FREYA outputs in the DataCite Commons here. 


PID services

FREYA has released various PID services which you can find under the PID service tab on our website. These include the PID Graph, the PID services registry and the DataCite Commons, as well as work on provenance, new PID types, and PIDs for organisations.


Public deliverables




Bunakov, V. (2018). Metadata for large-scale research instruments. Conference paper available at

Bunakov, V., Lambert,S., Matthews, B. (2018). Persistent Identifiers for Facilities Research: Current Practices and Opportunities. Conference paper available at

Chen, X., Dallmeier-Tiessen, S., Dasler, R., Feger, S., Fokianos, P., Gonzalez, J. B., ... & Rodriguez, D. R. (2018). Open is not enough. Nature Physics,


Lambert, S. (2019). A perspective from digital preservation on sustainability of e-infrastructures. Conference paper available at


Aryani A., Fenner M., Manghi P., Mannocci A., Stocker M. (2020) Open Science Graphs Must Interoperate!. In: Bellatreche L. et al. (eds) ADBIS, TPDL and EDA 2020 Common Workshops and Doctoral Consortium. TPDL 2020, ADBIS 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1260. Springer, Cham.

Bernal Llinares,M. Ferrer Gomez, J., Juty, N., Goble, C., Wimalaratne, S.M., Hermjakob,H. (2020). - Compact Identifier Services in the Cloud, Bioinformatics

Bunakov, V.; Madden, F. Integration of a National E-Theses Online Service with Institutional Repositories. Publications 20208, 20.

Grootveld, M.,  Leenarts, E., von Stein, I., Hof,C. La Rocca,G., Kuchma,I. … Zourou, K. (2020, April 3). Workshop report "Training in the EOSC" (Version 02.00). Zenodo.

Koers, H., Bangert, D., Hermans, E., Horik, R. van, Jong, M. de, & Mokrane, M. (2020). Recommendations for Services in a FAIR Data Ecosystem. Patterns,

Stocker, M., Darroch, L., Krahl, R., Habermann, T., Devaraju, A., Schwardmann, U., D'Onofrio, C. and Häggström, I., 2020. Persistent Identification of Instruments. Data Science Journal, 19(1), p.18. DOI:


Cousijn, H., Braukmann, R., Fenner, M., Ferguson, C., van Horik, R., Lammey, R., Meadows, A., & Lambert, S. (2021). Connected Research: The Potential of the PID Graph. Patterns.

Computational Notebooks

FREYA has developed 10 Jupyter Notebooks based on key use cases to show how the PID Graph can be queried through the GraphQL API. The notebooks are available at and in this Github repository.


Training Materials

FREYA has developed various training materials over the course of the project and you can find more information in the FREYA Knowlegde Hub. You can also find an overview of all of our training activities and materials in Deliverable 5.6 Final Training Materials.



We have organized multiple webinars throughout the project, including:

  • An Introduction to FREYA for our Ambassadors (03/05/2018) DOI
  • FREYA Ambassadors programme webinar (04/10/2018) DOI
  • FREYA Ambassadors webinar on new PID services (20/03/2019) DOI
  • FREYA ambassador webinar - updates from the ambassadors (24/09/2019) DOI
  • FREYA Ambassador webinar on PIDs for facilities (25-03-2020) DOI
  • FREYA PID services: Graph QL and Common DOI Search (26-05-2020) DOI
  • Final ambassador webinar (05-11-2020) DOI


Event Materials 

You can find a list of key events in which FREYA participated and their related materials here. All of our outputs are collected in a FREYA Project Zenodo Community page and available there.