FREYA's experiences at the EOSC workshop in Brussels
FREYA contributed to the EOSC meeting and workshop in Brussels on 9-10 September organized by two Eurocommission departments: The Directorate‑General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) and Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD). The event was aimed at developing closer links among the projects that contribute to the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). EOSC Secretariat and heads of the EOSC Working Groups presented the current EOSC status and requested participants to share their views of the EOSC architecture, rules of engagement and other topics.
A dedicated session was devoted to the EOSC governance; FREYA contributed to it by leading a discussion about the interaction between established governance models and the emerging one of EOSC. The interest of FREYA in this topic is natural as a few FREYA partners, notably PID infrastructure providers such as DataCite, Crossref or ORCID have got their own business models and governance structures with the world-wide scope, so how these well-established governance structures should productively interact with the EOSC in a European context has to be discussed and defined. The topic attracted a reasonable interest of the workshop participants beyond the PIDs ecosystem, and resulted in a number of recommendations for EOSC to consider.
Apart from the structured discussions, the workshop was a good opportunity for networking across the entire spectrum of projects and organizations involved in the EOSC development. A few ideas, such as minting PIDs for EOSC services, proved to have more importance that it was thought before, so FREYA is now better informed on the priorities of other EOSC actors and can do appropriate planning for the further project-to-project communication and joint activities.